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Frogworks Peppermint 5ml

Frogworks Peppermint 5ml

Regular price $8.50 USD
Regular price $8.50 USD Sale price $8.50 USD
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Essential oil is obtained from steam distillation of the fresh flowering herb. This cooling oil helps to relieve states of anger, hysteria and nervous trembling. Excellent for mental fatigue and depression. Pliny (Roman Naturalist and Writer A.D.23-79) declared that the “very smell of it alone recovers and refreshes the spirit.” (This I found to be true after my horses took a three-day cross-county trip in a horse trailer. When they left the trailer they appeared dazed. They each took a sniff of peppermint oil and within minutes, the sparkle came back to their eyes and they began trotting around the horse paddock.)

Peppermint is generally useful for respiratory disorders, as well as dry coughs and sinus congestion. A great oil for the digestive system, relieving, dyspepsia (difficulty with digestion associated with pain, flatulence, heartburn, and nausea). Has dual action – cooling when hot and warming when cold. Peppermint’s stimulating qualities are valuable for general numbness of the limbs. Its cooling and pain-relieving action seems to ease headaches, migraines and toothache. It is an excellent remedy for aching feet and relief for rheumatism, neuralgia and muscular aches. Helps remove toxic congestion from skin and therefore, could help with dermatitis, ringworm and scabies. Due to its capillary constriction it can relieve itching and inflammation.

Safety: Non-toxic, non-irritant (except in concentration), possible sensitization due to menthol. Use in moderation.
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