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Azmira Yeast and Fungal

Azmira Yeast and Fungal

Regular price $24.99 USD
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It is said that things are changed either by inspiration or desperation … the development of Azmira supplements were founded in a little bit of both! Founded by Dr. Lisa S. Newman, Ph.D. in 1982, Azmira was developed to create safe and effective programs for all pets. Azmira has been in business for 30 years. They have never had a recall on any products.


This product contains a proprietary blend of Spilanthes (Leaf and Root), Oregon Grape Root, Usnea Lichen, Myrrh Gum, Juniper Berry, Pau D'Arco, Grain Alcohol, and Spring Water. 

Usage Directions:

  • For all pets, use 1 drop per 5 lbs. of body weight per dose
  • Give 1-3 doses per day depending 
  • Dose can be doubled initially to build up therapeutic properties or as needed for acute situations
  • Extract can be mixed in a small amount of warm water or apple juice
  • Extract can also be mixed into food if needed, but double the dose to increase assimilation
  • Shake well
  • DO NOT USE UNDILUTED! (This product is highly concentrated and undiluted use is an unpleasant experience for your pet)


  • Results may vary according to animal's diet and lifestyle. These products are not to be used in lieu of, but as a support to, proper veterinary care.
  • The amount of time a product must be used before seeing results is heavily dependent on your pet's existing diet and current condition. Generally speaking, minimal results begin to occur between 1 dose and 3 weeks. Maximum results are often not achieved for about 3 months. In severe conditions or conditions where the pet is dependent solely on the effects of the supplement because the diet has not been improved to eliminate processed foods, this time may increase greatly. 
  • The cleansing response, aka healing crisis, is a process in which your pet's body begins releasing the toxins that have built up in their system over the years. The speed and severity of the cleansing response will vary by individual pet according to their age, diagnosis, lifestyle, severity of symptoms, etc.
  • Symptoms of a cleansing response may include: increased shedding, panting, lethargy, excessive water consumption, slightly loose stools, dermatitis, and self-fasting. These symptoms are temporary and transitory. Not every pet will have a cleansing response.
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