
Featured: Matt, Lexi, and the Power of a Raw Diet

unnamedThis testimonial is all about the powerful effect of feeding your pet a raw diet, and clearing up the misconceptions that often come with this 'alternative' pet diet. We are so proud to have been part of Matt and Lexi's journey, and we would love to be able to take time to find out what food fit is best for your furry friends:

"I have a three year old boxer, for the first ten months of her life, she struggled with putting weight on, allergic reactions, diarrhea, and more.  We were at the vets office at least once a month for one reason or another, along with trying every dry kibble possible.  Fortunately I was introduced to a raw diet and I've been feeding my boxer a raw only diet for nearly two years.  Since starting my dog on a raw diet, we have been to the vet for only annual exams, she has gained close to 15 pounds, and is overall a much happier healthy puppy.  I cannot even begin to put in words how strongly I feel about raw diets for dogs, it literally changed my puppies life as well as mine.  During the course of the two years she has been on a raw diet, she has been to doggy daycare, dog parks, and other social events for dogs.  She interacts with dogs and children at least 3 to 5 times a week and she has never once shown aggression to another dog, child or adult.  Raw food is a commitment and it is not something that I take lightly, however I will never ever feed any dog I own dry kibble again. After seeing the difference that raw food made for my dog and the quality of life that she enjoys because of it and the number if compliments that I get about her, I will feed every dog I own raw food.  I would be more then happy to introduce my dog to anybody that thinks raw food makes a dog aggressive, I would be happy to introduce her to adults, children and other dogs to show just how happy and healthy she is.  She loves to play at Camp Bow Wow in Parker, CO; she has been there on multiple occasions with many other dogs and never once has had a problem.  I write this letter because raw food changed both my dogs as well as my life and I only want every owner that has reservations about raw food to act with a open mind and I guarantee they will end up feeling the same way I do about a raw food diet."

-Matt Jenkins

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Hero's Pets has been to Duncan what I imagine Santa's workshop at the North Pole would be to children. It is a place where he is greeted by a chorus of cheers and whistles from all the good people who work there. They love him as much as he loves being among them and when they see him he is rewarded with more treats than any belly should be able to hold, and pats and scratches and a reprieve from following the rules he has at home, like jumping up on counters and sniffing out goodies or barking so loud the windows rattle. (I am) pleased that he has found a place he loves so much and where his love is returned so generously and whole-heartedly.

-Curt R.


I know you guys are getting bigger and securing a larger following of people. I want to thank you so much for what you do at your store. We only lived in Denver for 1 year, but in that time our dogs digestion thrived through feeding them the raw foods you stock in your store. Unfortunately when we moved to Northern California the brands we were used to getting in your store weren't readily available so I went back to feeding foods like Primal and Stella and Chewys. But our dogs digestion decreased. I couldn't figure out what was going on until I starting reading about high pressure pasturization and comparing the foods you guys recommend to the foods I was feeding them on first arrival to California.  Thankfully the manager of the dog food store nearby is a raw food enthusiast and I started asking if she could get things like Answers+, Smallbatch and K9 Naturals. She not only orders them specially in for us but she was excited to stock them to give others the opportunity to try them. Thank you so much for what you do. I continue to look at your website from time to time to see if any of the brands you carry have changed as I believe you have picked out only the best and our dogs have thrived most when buying the brands you recommend. Keep it up! And thank you so much for making a difference for our dogs.
-Heather W.


Hero's is the best, I am solely convinced my two boxer girls would not have the quality of life that they do today without Hero's Pets, Chelsea and her amazing staff.

-Jennifer P.

You guys are so great! I came to you with Doug and his constant explosive diarrhea and he hasn't had it since putting him on a raw diet!!! I'm so happy!

-Lily K.

You all are awesome. I'm a life long customer.

-Brady M.

I like that this store doesn't just carry every type of food out there. They seriously research what products/companies they support and the owner, Chelsea, is very good at explaining the what and why behind all of them. They also carry a wide variety of healthy treats and chews for dogs which I LOVE.

- Laurie H.


I stopped in here in hopes of help for my picky 11 year old cat. Chelsea (the owner) was amazingly helpful and quickly pointed out that his food was recalled...yikes! We discussed some options and she gave me many samples to try with him. I stopped in again yesterday after a week of a hunger strike from my little guy and found Chelsea there again. I took home some more products for him to try and it looks like I might have found something that works! Thanks so much Chelsea!"

- Amanda C.

I have always loved Hero's for their selection of quality pet products, variety of services offered (nail trims, pet reiki, anesthesia free dental cleaning, etc) and vast array of staff knowledge. But I love them more now, after witnessing the miraculous recovery of my dog after following the nutritional advice of Hero's staff. My boy was afflicted with a progressive disease which my vets warned had no treatment. The disease is not "cured" but the symptoms have all but disappeared. I am so glad that there is a place I can count on for my pets' well-being that is willing to steer off the beaten path and back to nature for optimal health. I will be forever thankful for what Hero's staff has done to impact the health of my pets, as well as to inspire a lifetime of learning about the profound abilities of a nutritious diet and natural remedies. I won't step foot in a Pet Smart again.

- Jeni G.

Five stars is definitely not enough. I would rate Hero's 100 stars if possible!

I can honestly say that there is no finer store than Hero's. From the very first moment I walked in nearly four years ago they went out of their way to welcome me, to get to know me and my dog Duncan, and to educate me about proper dog and cat nutrition. Chelsea and the rest of the staff are incredibly educated people who have been able to answer all my questions, point me in the right direction and improve the lives of my pets as well as my relationship with them.

The wonderful thing about this store is that they are a truly socially and environmentally responsible company. They hand-pick every item they sell, from local products up to the larger companies. And Chelsea is quite dedicated to ongoing research. She monitors companies and makes sure that if they've had recalls or pollute or have a negative impact on human or animal life that she does not sell their products. In this day and age it is so difficult to monitor the companies I buy from, but Hero's does the work for me so I know that everything I give to my pets is environmentally and socially responsible as well as top-quality and nutritious.

I cannot recommend Hero's enough. The staff is incredible and will go out of their way to welcome you and your dog, answer your questions and help you find natural solutions that are tailored to fit your needs. You'll feel at home the moment you walk in the door. And tell them Duncan sent you!

- Curt R.

The simple fact of the matter is that Hero's provides a quality of product that my pet thrives on. For those of us who truly dive into the nuts and bolts of optimal pet care, you can walk into Hero's and know that literally every item in their inventory has been carefully researched and offers a positive benefit over the mass produced Petsmart / grocery store fare. While I can't speak for the staff, I have known the owner and her family for some time and can attribute the quality and thriving success of this business to their obvious passion for animals. These products do not come cheap, and anyone who has managed a staff knows that customer service training takes time, so ignore some of the more negative reviews in that regard. They're growing. They're thriving. I believe my pet is healthier because of the products I purchase there, and when I bring London in for a visit, as I have since she was a puppy, I feel there is a genuine interest in her well being, not simply pushing product.

Supporting Hero's is not only a positive move for the health and well being of your pet, but also a resounding support for small, local business. Do yourself a favor and drive however far you need to (I haul it from Parker), ask for Chelsea, and spend some time browsing around. I think you'll have a great experience above and beyond that of any other similar boutiques in town.

- Derek A.

My dogs and I have benefited so much from Hero's Pets! I have been switched and convinced on the raw diet! My dogs have been overweight for years, and no matter what I tried I could not get the weight off, but one stop at Hero's, and raw diet started; I finally have got the weight off! MY dogs look wonderful, and their teeth, skin, eyes, and energy level has all improved! I give all the credit to the wonderful and knowledgeable staff, as well as the thoroughly researched pet food that they carry. It makes me feel really good as a dog momma to know that everything that they carry is 100% safe for my dogs!

-Brooke G.

Only Five Stars? If I could give Chelsea and Retta and Tess and Jeni and Niki and Lindsey all the Stars in the Sky, it would not be enough: together, these women have built a Community, and their Community extends itself every day in every way possible to love and support every Furry Family Member who comes into the Shop and the Guardian who loves them.

From mutts to Champions, every animal is embraced and deeply seen; from those struggling against Cancer to those hoping to recover from abuse, each "case history" is listened to and discussed; from the simplest of queries to the most complex, the "Community that Chelsea Built" at her Hero's will work to sustain you, and provide you with everything you need to give your Loved One the best possible daily care available.

Without Hero's, my Cissy would not have lived well, and well into her Eighteenth Year. Without Hero's, I would not have been able to provide Cissy the mastery and gentleness of Jason Cordiero VMD (http://1lastgiftsite.com/) when it was time to assist her in her transition. Without Hero's, none of my "children" would be seeing the extraordinary vet - "One of Hero's Favorites" - Dr. Mike Herman. Without Hero's, my crazy, adorable BetsyBoo would still be filled with parasites. Without Hero's my Toby might still be walking in fear after a "close encounter" with a coyote. Without Hero's my grief when Santino and Charlie made their transitions within days of one another...would not have been held.
Hero's Pets changed my life, and the life of those I love the most. Every woman who works with Chelsea works with you and every one of her colleagues to make the Services provided to you as trusted as the organic, highest quality possible supplies, accessories, supplements and, of course, foods. What Chelsea and her Colleagues honor first is Relationship: your relationship with your beloved pet. In turn, you'll soon realize you want to honor your relationship with Chelsea and each of her "Heroines", those she has chosen to work shoulder by shoulder with her to serve you. You may buy a lot or a little, depending upon your wallet, but whatever you buy, it will be the absolute best, and while you make your selection, you'll encounter and be inspired by some of the most knowledgeable, dedicated, loving women on the planet, who also, just by the way, love the planet, too.

Go. Trust me. Just Go. All of a sudden the doubts you have had about "doing the best thing" for your Little One will be gone, and you'll discover you have "A Team" who will care for you as you care for your Best Friend.

- Annie M.

We met the staff of HERO's soon after they had opened, I happened to walk in with my wife on a whim and I can say with the utmost certainty, my life nor my pets will ever be the same. Now, saying that I do not go anywhere else for our food. That is saying something, I live in Highlands Ranch and it is a bit of a drive to get there but, worth every minute. The staff is top notch and willing to drop what they are doing to help us with anything. Most recently we have experienced a very serious health issue with one of my beloved beagle's, the owner, Chelsea, and everyone there have consistently stepped up and pointed me to everything they could think of to offer, from food suggestions, supplements, personal advice, suggestions of vet's for second opinions, or a shoulder to place my burdens or stresses on or an ear to just listen. SO Far our little beagle is doing well.

This store is more like family than stop off point to just pick up pet food. They offer a diverse and healthy choice of foods for our 4 legged friends. If I have EVER had a question they have the time to answer or if they didn't know they got back to me with an email or a phone call. Knowing what I know now about nutrition for my pets I will never turn back to just buying any bag or can of food without looking at the ingredients. They educated me on food rotation for our dogs(how would you like to eat the same thing every day of your life) to offer the best chance at a long healthy life. As far as Raw diets, I would have never thought about that unless they suggested it, but when they did I have seen my pets reap the benefits. I have also seen HERO's discontinue an item(s) due to the manufacturer's lack of quality or inability to live up to high standards that the owner places on the products she carries.
Lastly, HERO's offers the opportunity for people to adopt pets that need that FOREVER home. I should know, we got one of them. That in itself is priceless. I could go on and on but let me just say that, for those of you who doubt what I have said or what this business stands for, just stop in and give them a try. You will leave with a better sense of what high quality and caring is all about. I am a customer for life. If I could give 10 stars I would.

- Mike Z.

If you talk to Chelsea, the owner of this business, you can see that it obviously succeeds because of her expertise and her drive to research products and provide a flexible variety. She has carefully selected an amazing array of products and services for her clients, and if you ask she will tell you the exact reason why each product is in her store. But the thing that makes people come back is the incredible knowledge base that Chelsea and her staff embodies. I find myself giving out the store phone number a lot, whenever I hear someone talking about a health problem in their pet. And I know of several people who have found solutions there for health issues that their vet gave up on.

They are great about ordering products that they don't normally carry. They research the companies they buy from to make sure that they are not only safe and healthy, but also ethical, ecological, and they compare similar products to only carry the best of similar items. And they are constantly rearranging the store to accommodate new products, which makes it surprisingly fun to come back to.

Most days they have some kind of event going on, including housing adoptable cats that you can visit at any time. I also like that their location is right on the lake at Clement Park so you can take your dog on a long walk in a beautiful place when you go to shop there. It's also near a lot of book stores, and the mall, so you can make a day of it.

- Brandi L.

I went to Hero's Pets because my dog has always had a really bad coat, bad breath, and was overweight. I spent about an hour talking with one of the fantastic employees at the store and talking about nutrition, supplements, and even behavior. The lady that helped me was the most patient and thorough person and really gave me so much attention. Yes, she had to step away at times to ring up another customer or answer the phone, but with a small business you have to expect that now and then. I could never go into any Petsmart or Petco and get this kind of attention and knowledge.

Anyway, after all that time, I came to realize that I needed to make a big diet change. I realized that I was feeding junk food to my dog and that, just like with people, nutrition is the basis for good health. So, I switched to a raw diet and a couple of supplements to help his coat. It's been a couple months now and the changes are DRAMATIC! My dog is losing weight (without acting starved), his coat is better, his breath is better, and he is acting younger too.

Every time I go into Hero's, the employees are so friendly and knowledgeable that I leave in a great mood. If I have a question, they never make me feel like it's not worth their time, and if they don't know the answer, they don't make something up. They either ask one of the other employees, go online for an answer, or take my number down and call me when they get it.

So if you want to find a store that truly cares and wants to help your pet become more healthy this is the store. They also have a great selection of treats, toys, and beds. And a beautiful selection of collars and leashes.

- Jean R.

I have been a customer at Hero's Pets for several years and probably should have posted this sooner. The staff at Hero's are nothing like what you would find at Petsmart, these ladies are INTELLIGENT and KNOWLEDGEABLE on animal nutrition and natural remedies. And they are the most helpful people you could ever hope to find. They will help you carry your purchases out and make pleasant small talk on the way to your car.

I have 2 dogs, one is getting older and they have helped me by researching and recommending some great natural remedies to help her stay happy, healthy, and comfortable.
If you have a dog (or a cat) that has a medical issue, or a sensitivity, or an allergy, or you just want to do what's best for them, this is the place to go.

I should also say, not only do they have top quality food and supplements, they have lots of fun toys, treats, and collars. They support lots of Colorado businesses and have lots of US made stuff as well.

This is a family business and is ran by a young woman (Chelsea) and her mother (Kathy), they are truly GOOD PEOPLE and you couldn't find people that are more devoted to being ecologically focused and loving pets.

- Pat G.

Hero's Pets is a wonderful establishment. I am happy to continue to purchase ALL of my pet supplies there. The staff is knowledgeable and always helpful and the products they provide are top quality. Nobody there is pushy, which is a huge plus for me. I am more than happy to support this local business and stay out of the big box stores as it is healthy for my dog and for our economy!

- Joe J.

Heros Pets is a great place to purchase pet, earth friendly products. My chocolate lab has cancer and Chelsea, the store owner, has helped me manage my lab's diet to hopefully prolong her life. Chelsea is very knowledgeable on dietary needs of pets, from the healthy pet to the pet with special needs. She also has been very helpful in helping me choose the best kibble for my yellow lab that has food allergies. I think it is very important to note that while you can buy supplies anywhere, you will not get the service and quality of care you receive at Hero's Pets. I drive 45 miles to go to this store and will remain a loyal customer. I would recommend this store to any pet owner. They also have fun programs and clinics. This past year we had our labs' pictures taken with Santa at the store. Was fun! Highly satisfied in Denver.

- Michelle B.

Chelsea at Heros Pets has continued to be an excellent source of information for both doggie nutritional issues and training questions. She is unusually well informed regarding all things "pet" & able to share her thoughts in a non-judgemental way. She maintains a well stocked store. I have never gone in for food for my 3 dogs & not found it in stock, which I cannot say for the large chains I used to frequent & she is competitively priced, in addition to having a loyalty program that nets me free dog food about once a year! I can think of no reason to shop anyplace else for my pups.

- Ginger D.

The Ahlstrom Family has been shopping for healthily food and treats for our four-legged family members at Hero's Pets since it first opened. Owner, Chelsea, is a very caring, knowledgeable, compassionate pet lover. She truly loves animals and takes the time to get to know her customers and their pets. She wants to help you, in any way she can, to ensure your pets are getting the proper healthy nutrition and natural treats. The staff at Hero's Pets has the same attitude about animals and other people's pets. They are all professional, helpful, cheerful and dedicated to animal health. Each one is either a Vet Tech or has a specialty in some area of pet health. Each of them has made suggestions when we come in about various health issues and concerns for one of our pets. It's always a natural remedy with product from the store. And, yes, it always helps. They will research other products you may give your pets from other stores to see if they have anything bad in them and they let you know.

Chelsea is committed to only offering good natural food for animals, while keeping our planet green. Toys are made of recycled items and are long lasting. The toys I have purchased for my pets have been fully enjoyed and played with.

Hero's offers other animal specialists events to come into the store to prove additional support, health education, and health procedures.

I can honestly say, that I call Chelsea a friend, along with many of her employees. We love going to Hero's Pets. We are so glad the store is moving to larger facilities so she Chelsea can provide even more events, products and great food. Looking forward to see what she will offer in the new place.

I would recommend Hero's Pets, and have to many, to anyone who truly loves their four legged family members.

- The Ahlstrom's and our Jazz, Ashley, Midori and Sunny Boy


My boyfriend found Hero’s looking for a unique and hard to find kibble he had his boxer Lexi on. I had just ran quite a few tests on my boxer Zoie. She had always been fairly thin, but as time wore on she slowly started losing the weight she did have, her stomach would growl and gurgle like nothing I had heard before, it came to the point that she wouldn’t eat if it was making these sounds. When it was at its worst she would not eat the next meal, I could get her to then eat the following meal because she was extremely hungry and then it was usually back to the same pattern. She had been getting sick more often than not (white foam) in the middle of the night for the most part. One morning she had diarrhea which was not normal even with the issues she had been having. I reluctantly put her in her crate I wanted her to rest. Midday I left work because I had a bad feeling, I got home and got Zoie outside to go potty and she immediately began vomiting every couple of minutes. After about 30 minutes I was able to get her in the car and to the vet. They wanted to do x-rays to see if she had ingested something. I stated it would be highly unlikely, Zoie wasn’t a scavenger and didn’t press the rules. Oddly Zoie was extremely calm for a boxer. 

The vet decided to hold Zoie for a few hours and would call after 2-3 more x rays over the next couple of hours. The vet called me to come get her and said they could not determine if she had eaten something, or the something they thought it was, was not moving. I wasn’t convinced she was ok, but we headed home to take it easy. It was about 9:15pm and we were about to go on a potty break and I looked at her she was blinking funny and I started noticing all these bumps, the more I looked and noticed the more I freaked out. Again I loaded Zoie in the car for the 2nd time in one day this time to drive to emergency vet, fortunately just 5 minutes down the road. The staff could tell immediately that she had not ingested anything but that her stomach was extremely upset. I had brought the paper work with me from the vet earlier that day, that helped them to figure out what had been treated and the actual cause of Zoie getting sick and her diarrhea. The emergency vet stated that more than likely it was an allergic reaction, caused by a bug or bee sting and the vomiting and diarrhea was the beginning of the allergic reaction.

While at the emergency vet one of the vet techs asked about the food I had been giving Zoie and how much. I had been giving her Orijen Regional Red blend for months and it was the best she had done, I was also giving her Honest Kitchen dehydrated mix as well. I admit she looked awful at the emergency vet but even as thin as she was that day  she looked malnourished and just plain awful. My regular vet I will say was not concerned. I was and had been but had no idea of what to do. I ended up having a full blood panel done by the emergency and specialty vet I took Zoie to for her allergic reaction, everything came back normal. They suggested I do an ultrasound but could not promise anything. I agreed to the ultrasound and again nothing abnormal. The next step was to have a biopsy/scope done of her upper digestive system but again nothing had been found so far so again they might not find anything. I thought about things for a few days and ended up asking if I could try another food. The specialist at the emergency vet stated that besides her weight with all the tests I had done that Zoie was really healthy, she recommend I try kangaroo or fish, a protein Zoie likely had not had. I went with Kangaroo by Addiction Foods. Zoie did good for about 6 weeks and the started getting sick again, basically reverting like she had on previous kibble changes. I thought about doing the scope again but the process made me nervous. Matt called on a Saturday evening and gave me the whole story on his new food choice for Lexi who he talked to and said that she would be there tomorrow. I asked him some questions and went the next day to Hero’s Pets.

I met Chelsea and gave her the story on Zoie. She asked me if I wanted the long version or the short version, I said the long version. She explained in summary the benefits of raw, the issues I would probably not find in doing more tests at a vet and what I would need to get Zoie started. I think I was there for over an hour and left happy, tired, somewhat relieved, and thinking to myself I hope this makes her feel better, I don’t want to lose Zoie. My girls Lexi and Zoie are not just my dogs… 

There are ups and downs and every time I have an issue or a question I go to Hero’s, email or call… They always have an answer if not 2 or 3. They have everything in the store and if they are out, will order it for you and call when it comes in! Hero’s has helped me and my boyfriend Matt with hair loss/allergy issues, vomiting and the importance of enzymes. I am a big fan of Goats milk now – the stuff is AWESOME!!!! They have helped with homeopathy for cracked pads and skin lesions, info on shots and vets and choices/options for whatever route you decide is best for you and your pet. They have remedies for pets who are stressed from moving or new people and animals moving in together. They have specialized treats that are just as good as the raw and are good for dogs on special diets. Hero’s has toys, beds, collars and coats. They also keep up on new products along with product changes in recipes or how the foods are processed. Hero’s has helped with bladder issues, Zoie has her continued stomach issues and different things I can do temporarily or permanently to get her stomach back on track.  Today now 4 years old, she still loves to cuddle and more important she plays now and runs like the wind and loves to sit on the couch with a favorite squeaky and squeak till she passes out.  Zoie went from 48 pounds before her allergic reaction to about 58 pounds currently and we are still slowly gaining with treats and supplements all from Hero’s.  Today Lexi is at a healthy weight for her size and age and has successfully stayed that way on a raw food diet. Matt and I drive from Lone Tree and used to have a longer drive, we just bought a smaller freezer for the girls food.  I would recommend Hero’s to anyone who has a pet with or without health issues,  the store is honestly all about giving your companion the best options possible to live a truly healthy life.  Hero’s is a store you will not find anywhere else, in my book they are top dog, and the sole reason my girls are doing so well today.

Jen, Matt and The Nubs

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